Explaining | Understanding
South African Taxpayers have to compute taxes due and to file the returns for most tax types by themselves. SARS uses digitalised assessments tools combined with automatised control systems. This requires profile optimised inputs to limit compliance errors and penalties. Cumbersome international matters must be taylored to e-filing, and strict deadline and objection timeframes must be adhered to. This requires optimized profile inputs in order to limit compliance errors.
As a client affiliated to both the South African and German tax systems, you have to be aware of the differences of the year of assessment, special deadlines for returns and payments, and have to know about the currency impact to taxation, calculation of interest, the fields where roll-over can take place and situations where time apportionment is not applicable as well as rules of asset valuation, among other subjects.
Orientating | Informing
Business development and succession planning, investments and disinvestments, protection and diversification of assets, production and sales markets, personal life planning, stays abroad, property purchasing and transferring as well as unrealised gains. These are only some of the issues that arise against the backdrop of two very different tax and legal systems, requiring a trusting relationship between the consultants of both countries.
Because in these situations, hidden reserves are regularly disclosed in South Africa, leading to complex tax issues or tax entanglements and can only be properly addressed with adequate and reliable information.
Innovation | Output
Businesses often deal with clients at arm's length. We have restructured our way of doing business so as to engage and educate the client. Our blog posts are free of charge and offer useful information to clients, perhaps pertaining to issues that they are struggling with, or perhaps pertaining to issues that are insightful and helpful for future reference.
In South Africa, a career in taxation is a product of higher educational training and development of specialised knowledge, whereas in Germany, taxation is an apprenticeship profession, concerned with practical training. This puts us at Steiner Tax Consultants in good stead as we have both theortical elements gained through reading, study and engagement with materials, as well as the practical elements gained through years of practice, exposure and experience working with taxation issues.
Increasing efficiency | Helping Tax Professionals
If you encounter requirements in your consulting firm regarding accounting standards and tax issues in connection with your clients' activities in South Africa, we will support your advisory structure.
By referring to your own foreign network of advisors, you strengthen your competence and foster client retention. In this way you source clients with an affinity for specialised advice.