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... taking you to the next level

Citrus Fruits
Citrus Fruits

All the ingredients for your professional cocktail are there

The economy is internationally oriented now more than ever, and its actors depend on intensive exchange with other countries, legal systems, cultural and living environments.


The biographies of and their families also extend beyond national borders and are an expression of socio-economic, political, ecological and cultural changes in environmental conditions and individual life plans.


To the same extent, the field of activity of the service industry needs to expand if it does not want to close itself off to these realities and support the needs of those who operate internationally.


This also concerns those parts of the tax consulting industry that do not shy away from borders and recognize an enrichment and source of inspiration in through interaction with other countries.

You can get involved in this exciting dynamic and seize your opportunities.

All the ingredients are on the table. Bring them together to create your favorite cocktail.


What we expect / what you can expect

If you wish to discover a new country and if you are independent enough to engage in exciting experiences in a special professional environment: you will discover a cool city, overwhelmingly extended landscapes, open-hearted people and a variety of rhythm of life. Cape Town facilitates a change of perspective and leads to the immediacy of life and creativity.

Our law firm is unique in its approach to care for tax matters on behalf of our clients in the field of German-South African issues. Improve your client-oriented work through our holistic and practical consulting approach.


We also prepare for higher German and South African professional qualifications.


You are a tax accountant, Bilanzbuchhalter, tax specialist or with comparable training with a German work-background, love your job and its activities and want to expand your skills with our law firm: if you fit in with us, we can offer you a 4-year critical skills Visa which entitles you to work in South Africa.

Depending on your skills, you could earn up to ZAR 60,000 per month.

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